Simplifying Project Submittals for Architects and Engineers

While project submittals should ideally be straightforward, the reality is that achieving coordination among building and site designers as deadlines loom can create challenges. Small issues like specification formatting and title block details can snowball into costly problems, especially when CAD backgrounds are mismatched or outdated.

With Latest Background, all team members collaborate from a unified central hub, complete with notifications and notes for every uploaded file, ensuring every project participant stays on the same page. Bid farewell to outdated CAD backgrounds, tangled email threads, and inconsistent drawings for good.

Don't let submittal hassles ruin your next deadline! Sign up today if you want to simplify your next submittal with Latest Background.

How are architects and engineers benefiting while using Latest Background?


They are uploading checklists to ensure that all design disciplines are coordinated on small project details, such as utility sizes and locations, synchronized detail callouts, and compliance with local and state requirements.


They are uploading specification templates and title blocks, offering everyone examples to align their work with.


And, of course, everyone is uploading their latest CAD backgrounds so that all drawings referencing other design disciplines are coordinated. This eliminates time-consuming RFIs and addendums during bidding, as well as costly change orders during construction.